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Kreuzworträtsel 1 | 2 | 3 |




Kreuzworträtsel auch noch für fortgeschrittene Lerner - hier macht es den guten alten Lückentext interessant.

English Idioms      

1. As _____ as a flash
5. As _____ as a lord
6. As dry as a _____
9. As _____ as a feather
12. I suspect something. I smell a _____ .
13. We're all in the same _____ .
14. I see her very rarely: I see here once in a blue _____ .
15. Yes it's true, got it straight from the _____ mouth.
17. Let sleeping _____ lie
21. Stop making a _____ of yourself, you're disgusting.
22. You might just as well give it up; you're flogging a _____ horse here.
23. As dead as a _____
24. Oh come on, I'm not being dishonest, that was just a little _____ lie
25. As mad as a _____




2. As hard as _____
3. Like a _____ in a china shop
4. As deaf as a _____

5. Don't worry, it'll work like a _____ .
6. As blind as a _____
7. There's no room here to swing a _____

8. As bold as _____


10. As old as the _____
11. Not feeling quite well: feeling a bit off _____
16. It cost a lot but it's utterly useless: it's a white _____ .
17. As sick as a _____
18. We can go ahead now. We've been given the _____ light
19. I slept like a _____ .
20. As fit as a _____